Various illustration work including logo design and storyboards.
Microsoft Kinect
Hospital Monitoring
MS Kinect
Visualization series showing the various ways the MS Kinect could be utilized.
Microsoft - Jack Wolfskin
Microsoft - Jack Wolfskin
Wexley School for Girls - C Team
Icon Design
Coach is Everywhere
Icon Design
Chrome cast infographic
Infographic for Precor touch screen consoles.
"Edsel McFarlan's New Car" fold out page.
Children’s book illustrations
Mug Graphic
Who want’s a robot? Everyone, that’s who.
Logo Illustration
Machine Learning - Robotics
Motorcycle Tank Art
“Claw of Justice”
Film Production Studio Intro Concept
Film Production Studio Intro Concept. This was made using Photoshop. Camera POV would begin here, pan around her and focus on the sunrise which was to radiate to blinding glare and then dissipating into the logo.
Illustrations for a series of billboards for Q102 fm
Logo Design
Logo Design
Logo Design
A.I. open source software group
Children's Book
Cover, back and spine art
Children's Book Promo Art
Children's Book Promo Art
Illustration - Personal Project
Done in the style and borrowing from Mike Mignola
Transition Landing Page
Animation Template
Long Board Art